
Ease the contribution of Scala documentation by leveraging the means of social collaboration.

Goal of this project is to explore the possibility of using social collaboration for development of Scala project documentation. There are many developers using Scala that would like to collaborate on Scala platform in order to make it better, but do not have enough knowledge or enthusiasm to directly contribute to the development of Scala compiler and related tools. The Colladoc application should allow them to easily contribute by improving Scala documentation.



Web application allowing to edit Scala symbols documentation.

This application is based on existing Scaladoc 2 sources converted into full featured web application using the Lift web framework. The application internally uses the documentation model constructed using Scala compiler frontend in the same way as Scaladoc 2 does.

The interface of this web application is extended in order to allow wiki-like editing of Scala symbol comments. Application also allows to show different versions of documentation related to single symbol for each users together with displaying history of all changes in the form of aggregated timeline.

The Colladoc web application also provides REST interface which provide access to the collected comments. This allows to export the changes and merge them into original source code.


Application allowing to merge changes into the source-code.

Mergedoc application is a command-line tool reimplementing the functionality of scaladoc-merge tool providing same features. Moreover, new features, such as more direct integration with Colladoc or integration with other tools and integrated development environments, are planned for the near future.

The application allows to merge changes exported from the Colladoc web application to directly to source codes.



Google supported development of the project as a part of Google Summer of Code 2010 programme and basically enabled its creation. Without Google, there will not be any Collaborative Scaladoc project.

Google Summer of Code 2010


JetBrains provided free open-source license of IntelliJ IDEA for the project. This excelent IDE is used for the development of both applications. Without this support, the development would be much harder.

Developed withThe best Java IDE


Would you like to help this project? We are looking for developers which would like to actively participate in the further development for Colladoc.